Friday, September 25, 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020



I was learning about carrots, Carrots need maximum sunlight.

I found it hard to find the right questions to find the answer to.

I found it easy to answer the questions to put on the slide.

I enjoyed learning about carrots.

Next time I will ask myself the right questions to get the right answer. 

my powtoon movie trailer.


I was learning to make a trailer on powtoons.
I enjoyed moving the characters from A to B.
I found it challenging to find the perfect background.
I found it easy to move the characters from A to B.
Next time I will use props more.

My made up game.


Thursday, September 3, 2020


 Good as giant. 

Incredibly human called Sophie.

Amazingly nice giant who only eats snozzcumbers.

New amazing giant to Sophie

Tall for Sophie but for other Giants.

The BFG is a good as giant who has an incredibly nice human called Sophie. The BFG is amazingly nice as well and he only eats snozzcumbers, The BFG is new to Sophie. The BFG is tall for Sophie but he is a short runt for other Giants.

my Powtoon on Excilence.


My powtoon.